The Insurance Brokers Association is an active supporter of CityKidz and we recently had the privilege of visiting their facility.

A few of us from the board had the privilege of visiting CityKidz this past Saturday morning.
We got to experience the amazing adventure each of these children attends on a weekly basis. As these children live in underprivileged areas in the city of Hamilton and don’t have the funds to attend extracurricular activities, this is an amazing outlet for them. It gets the children off the streets, allowing them to meet new friends and steering them into a path with direction and purpose. We witnessed Kinderkidz graduate to CityKidz and CityKidz watch the now-graduated Youth put on a spectacular show. 40% of the volunteers at CityKidz have been with them since the beginning and are now giving back to this great organization.
CityKidz has 9 programs (Weekly Home Visits to over 1,600 children, KinderKidz (3-5yrs), CityKidz (6-11yrs), CityYouth (12-15 yrs), Jr. Leadership (12-15 yrs), Roadmap to Dreams (16-18yrs), Education Fund (for post-secondary education and/or trades), Summer to Remember (over 600 camp opportunities), Gift of Christmas (over 6,000 children supported)) but it is one experience where they walk with a child from when they are 3 years old until they are 18 years old, changing and transforming the core of their being, their belief system.
As you know the Insurance Brokers Association is an active supporter of CityKidz. They have provided us with the following video, that highlights everything CityKidz is all about and the children they help.
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